Friday, February 6, 2015

Introverts & Extroverts

Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I didn't post on Tuesday, but I've been quite busy lately. I will be back on my regular schedule next week though. As you can probably already tell, this weeks post is about Introverts and Extroverts. Most people have probably heard these words before but don't know what they mean. Introverts and Extroverts are personality types that help define you. Usually a person is either an Introvert or an Extrovert, but you can be a mix of both. If you want to know more about these personalities then keep reading.

I'll start off with telling you about Introverts. Unlike most people think, an Introvert is not a person who is shy. Actually, being shy has very little to do with being an Introvert. An Introvert is someone who is more energized when being alone and whose energy is drained when being around a group of people. I actually am an Introvert. When I say that Introverts become tired and drained when being around a group of people, that doesn't mean that they don't have friends and are alone 24/7. I like having a good amount of social interaction, but when there's too much, it sort of drowns me and I become very tired which leads to me feeling like I need to go somewhere and recharge. Another thing about Introverts is that they are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. This basically means that they like to explore their thoughts and feelings. No matter what people say, being an Introvert is never a bad thing. A lot of people consider Extroverts to be the "social norm" and that Introverts aren't successful people. That is not true at all. In fact, a lot of people who have shaped the world were Introverts

1) Albert Einstein
2) J.K. Rowling
3) Abraham Lincoln
4) Mother Theresa
5) Eleanor Roosevelt
6) Emma Watson
7) Bill Gates
8) Laura Bush
9) Rosa Parks
10) Audrey Hepburn
11) Harrison Ford
12) Mark Zuckerberg
All of these very successful and influential people were/are Introverts.

Now let me tell you a bit about Extroverts. From that previous paragraph you might assume that I'm saying that being an Extrovert is a bad thing, but that is not what I'm saying at all. I have many friends who are Extroverts and I love them all to death. So don't go thinking that Extroverts are bad. An Extrovert is a person who is very energized by being around other people, basically the opposite of an Introvert. Extroverts tend to become quite bored when they aren't around people and when given the chance, they would rather talk to someone than sit alone. Unlike Introverts who think about things before they speak, Extroverts actually think best as they are speaking. Some famous Extroverts are
1) Steve Jobs
2) Muhammad Ali
3) George W Bush
4) Marie Antoinette
5) Margaret Thatcher
6) Bill Clinton

If you want to know more about Introverts and Extroverts then go to 16 Personalities where you can take a quiz and find out if you are an Introvert or an Extrovert. Comment down below and tell me if you are an Introvert or an Extrovert!

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